Monday, June 29, 2009

YouTube and Flickr: Lights, Camera, Action!

(photo by Flickr user Susan_Boyle)

Part of our goal in 23 Things-n'at is not only to create time for fun and exploration, but to encourage library staff to see some of these web 2.0 tools through the lens of the library. These tools have great power (and are mostly free!) to expand the services we offer to patrons; YouTube and Flickr are no exceptions.

Many of you have heard of YouTube, maybe even recently you've seen this video of a very touching episode of Britain's Got Talent with Susan Boyle (who-- after the episode and its subsequent viral sharing-- appeared on all kinds of major network shows.) Many of us have also heard of Flickr, a photo sharing website that's quickly replacing those old sticky photo albums. But do you know these tools can work wonders in your library?

Online-video-hosting sites allow users to easily upload and share videos on the web. Among the players YouTube is currently top dog serving up over 1 million views a day and allowing users not only to upload their own video content easily, but also embed clips into their own sites easily.

Do some searching around YouTube yourself and see what the site has to offer. You'll find everything from 1970s TV commercials and classic 80s music videos to library dominos and this, The Engineers' Guide to Cats:

Of course, like any free site you’ll also find a lot stuff not worth watching. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore and see for yourself what the site has too offer. :)

Not only does YouTube have a lot to offer, but photo sharing websites like Flickr have catapulted the idea of “sharing” into full blown online communities. Flickr has become the fastest growing photo sharing site on the web and is known as one of the first websites to use keyword tags to create associations and connections between photos and users of the site.

For this week's tasks:
  • Take the Flickr tour and browse the site for a picture that might interest you (Thing # 14). You may want to look at Flickr's Popular Tags for inspiration.
  • Check out ACLA's Flickr sets for a picture of a local library (maybe yours is there!) Upload an image (from anywhere on Flickr) to your blog post for this week (Things # 15). If you create a Flickr account, you can use Flickr's blogging tool to add the image in your post or you can use Blogger's photo upload tool.
  • Now try embedding a YouTube video in that same blog post (Thing # 16). When you find a video you like, follow the instructions below. If that's a little too techie for you, skip the instructions and watch the videos we link to at the bottom of the post.
  • In your post this week, also consider these questions: what did you like or dislike about the sites and why did you choose the picture and/or video that you did? Can you see any features or components of these sites that might be interesting if they were applied to library websites?
  1. Copy the html code from your video's YouTube page on the far right (like below) by right clicking on that code and choosing copy.
  2. Paste that code into your blog post.
  3. Click on 'preview' (found in the upper right corner of your blog posting window) if you'd like to see your video as it will appear to readers.
  4. Publish your post!
If embedding a video on your blog sounds a bit too scary, watch these incredibly cool videos that libraries around the country (and Canada) have created and used with great success (alternate Thing # 16)!
As always, be sure to check out the wiki page for week 9 to find additional resources and fun things to play with!


  1. I've embedded to myspace and facebook to share funny videos with friends. It can get silly at times :).

    Meghan from Carnegie Library of McKeesport

  2. My blog account is:

    I uploaded a picture called "What's he reading?" from Flickr.

    I also uploaded a video called "Cookie Monster in the library" from YouTube.

    I can see where these tools would make a library blog more interesting if pictures and videos are found that express what you want to relay to patrons.

    Jefferson Hills

  3. Kara, Shaler North HillsJune 30, 2009 at 10:59 AM

    I watched the tutorial at flickr and created an account. I put together a little slideshow of our family photos, and liked the features that allow you to crop/sharpen/improve the photos. I then uploaded the picture "Primordial New Zealand" on my blog.

    My blog account is:

    Uploading a video from youtube was a little trickier because I had a hard time getting it to hyperlink within my blog. But I sorta managed, and Kelley had some great tips. I uploaded the "filet-o-fish" McD's commerical.

    This week's assignments were a lot of fun, and I am still going to check out the wiki. Having a newly created FB account, too, I feel like I am really learning a lot and getting (happily) sucked into all of this great techie stuff. Libraries could use flickr and youtube to promote programs on their websites and post patron photos to drum up interest.

  4. My blogspot url is
    I'm Linda Scott at the Penn Hills Library. I did set up a Flickr acct which I found very easy with all the help they had there. I posted three pictures from my library's web site. I chose one, a birthday cake with one candle to symbolize our library's one year anniversary. I did a lot of looking at the videos but did not post one. I think just having the knowledge of how to look up things on YouTube is great! Our patrons would love it.

  5. Thing #14: There are some excellent Wonder Woman pictures on flickr!

    The Sewickley Library has a flickr account. This year we have integrated it into our All-
    Ages Scavenger Hunt. Participants go to our blog ( each week to see what item they need to find. They take a picture of it and then upload it to our flickr group.

    The blog has a flickr widget on it so that people can view the pictures that have been uploaded! (Does this count as Thing #15?)

    I love making videos during library programs...but it's always tricky to get permission from the teen's parents (since the teens come to the library on their own).

    Kelly, Sewickley

  6. I certainly enjoyed this assignment. The amount of "stuff" available out there amazes me. Clearly, I could spend lots of time browsing through.

    Regina G.
    CLP Sub Pool

  7. Oops. Forgot to mention my blog address, in case you want to visit:

    Regina G.
    CLP Sub Pool

  8. My assignments and comments for this week's lesson can be found on my blog:

    Monroeville Public Library

  9. There is certainly alot to look at in flickr and YouTube. I found a video on YouTube of my children hiking in North Carolina. I already had a flickr account.

    Lynn Hahn
    Bethel Park

  10. My blog address is I did this assignment from home. Good thing because it took me a while to get it done.


    I have both an Flickr and a YouTube account. Love YouTube, but just have okay with Flickr. I just my Flickr account to post pictures from horse events that I've been to, which works well because then everyone can see them. I'm not sure I'd use if for personal photos though. I always seem to struggle getting the links in Flickr whereas YouTube are right there and easy to use.

    I would just like to mention that when you embedding YouTube videos, especially on your library page, you do have the option of eliminating the 'suggested videos.' You can also add borders and control the display size. I find that very helpful on our site - makes for a more professional look (I hope).

    I try to change the video on our website every 30 days. Some of the videos we make are more popular than others but overall the kids seem to get a kick out of seeing themselves. We have a lot of international parents and they send the link back to their families so they can see what the kids are up to.

    Kathleen from Scott

  12. Wow, sorry about that first paragraph. Haven't had my coffee yet this morning.

  13. I've noticed a few blog posts that have shared the links to videos, but we wanted to challenge everyone and ask you to EMBED a video directly into the blog. You can do this by going to the video page on youtube and copying the 'embed' code (underneath where you get the 'link' code.) Then you can paste it into a blog post just like you did with the link and the actual video then lives on your blog post so readers don't have to click to another site to watch it. It's pretty cool - if you feel up to it, give it a try! The guide on doing this is included in the week 9 blog post above.

  14. Done and done.

    Bloggers photo upload tool doesn't work all that well, but it was easy enough to code an img tag. Embedding you tube was a snap.

    I think including video is a great idea, and we incorporated that into a grant proposal for business. However, quality is paramount. Lots of web video is pretty blurry. That may be an "accepted" thing, but I don't think we should promulgate it.

  15. Ann Litz (Harrison)July 1, 2009 at 2:50 PM

    It isn't technically the assignment, but check out the Summer Reading kickoff video we just uploaded to YouTube today:

    Be sure to have your sound on!

    I promise I'll do the assigned assignments from now on.

  16. I have my blog at:
    I am sorta working backwards with my posting about my 23 things progress (I got crazy busy around week 5, so am catching up now), so keep checking for more!

    Northland Public Library

  17. I spent some time viewing different albums on the ACLA Flickr page. I found that looking at the photos was a great way to find out what the other libraries look like and the types of events that they hold. I'm sure other people use it for the same purpose. After we hosted a session of the Technology Playground, our department talked about using YouTube to host short instructional videos for common questions, such as how to change the line-spacing in Word 2007. I think that such a service would be helpful to those who can't come to the library or to those who come and are afraid to ask for help.


  18. Mission Accomplished.
    Originally had problems uploading photo from flickr,but with the aid from my son- a success. I uploaded two other photos all by myself-piece of cake.
    Also embedded video from you tube. If you visit my blog, you will see I am into cake decorating.
    Visit my blog at
    Don't mind my comments, I get very excited when I achieve my task.

  19. Ann Litz (Harrison)July 1, 2009 at 7:42 PM

    OK, Teachers, now I'm actually doing the assignment.
    I don't like Flickr at all. I'm the webmistress for our library, and even with some knowledge of HTML coding, I couldn't make sense of what Flickr was doing. I ended up signing up for a Yahoo account I'll never use just so I could put up an ALCA pic of my library on my blog. An echo of other posts: Blogger's photo upload tool was worthless.
    But YouTube! Lovely! Lovely! So easy to use, I thought I was doing it wrong.
    I really learned a lot in this exercise and have already used what I learned on our own library's page. I'm also gaining confidence enough to plan classes for the public who want to keep up with the technology their kids are using.
    Thanks, Teachers, for giving us an excuse to explore and use all these great new things.
    P.S. To add to Kathleen from Scott's posting about YouTube: To keep the videos from appearing underneath yours after your video is played, BEFORE you copy the embed code, you have to click on the blue cog then click off "Included related videos."
    My fancy-schmantzy multimedia blog is

  20. I did not have any problems with Flickr. I was able to download photo easily. I required help with downloading from "youtube". I did the copy and paste and only part of the "embed" appeared when I pasted. I called Carolyn Cunningham and she told me to "edit html" tab and then paste, which worked. My blog is

  21. I found this exercise a lot more interesting than the last, and I LOVED the cats videos! Come visit my blog at
    Jo Anne

  22. Eileen, that's okay - we love it when things turn out well!

    Ann - that's the kind of thing we were hoping to hear. I'm so glad you feel comfortable passing the new knowledge on to patrons!

    Keep up the great work/exploring/comments/blogging/info, folks: once again, I couldn't be prouder to be an Allegheny County librarian with all of you.

  23. I enjoyed this week's assignment. I have uploaded a image from Flickr and embedded a YouTube Video on my blog
    I chose this picture/video because I wanted you all to know I love USC Library.
    Upper St. Clair Library

  24. I didn't find this to be as intuitive as I expected - it can't be me, right, Beth??. With her help, found it was easier to save things to my desktop and then upload. I was impressed and amazed how many quality photos are freely accessible on flickr. And I really wanted to post the youtube video she sent me this morning but ACLA quality control nixed it. And Will Farrell cracks me up.

  25. My blog address is
    I needed help again from Natalie, my helpful co-worker, to embed the video. Anyone who knows me will know why I chose the particular picture from Flickr and video from YouTube--I am a dog person. The border collie in the picture is almost a twin of my border collie Abbey.

  26. I neglected to identify my library which is Mt. Lebanon.

  27. OK done. Took longer than it should have. I added pictures from Flickr and a YouTube video on my blog

    USC Library

  28. I posted a picture from flicker that a friend of mine took.I picked that one because it went with the july 4th holiday. I also embeded two sway music video's (Dean Martin and Rosemary Clooney)from youtube.

  29. Finally. I did it. This took me forever, probably because I don't use either of these sites. After I figured out I had to create a Flickr account first, things went a little more quickly. The YouTube video was the easiest to insert, especially with the tip to Edit HTML that was in one of the above messages. Thanks for that.
    Anyway enjoy a cup of tea and a great R&B music video at my blog:
    (Now back to that pesky Downloadable excercise.)

    Holly / Mt. Lebanon

  30. My assignment(finally finished!)is on my blog:

    Deb CLP-Main

  31. Jill-Lauri Ann West Memorial LibraryJuly 3, 2009 at 4:18 PM

    I successfully completed both assignments and the results can be seen on my blog at

    I had to create a YouTube account and link it to my blog in order to be able to post the video. But, other than that, piece of cake, and a lot of fun, too!

  32. I completed both assignments today, first posting a Flickr photo of a miniature library scene and then embedding a YouTube video of the last three minutes of the 2009 city of Pittsburgh fireworks onto my blog (
    When I worked at Moon Library and was responsible for maintaining the library website, I often used Flickr to store photos of library events that I then used in conjunction with to create slideshows. It was quick, fun, and very easy to do. If you would like to see some of the slideshows, just go to
    Though I had viewed You Tube videos in the past, this was my first experience embedding a video in a blog.
    Cathy L. -- CLP Library Support Center

  33. My blog is at

    I uploaded a photo from my own flickr account I've had for a couple of years. I like using it to share phtos with family who are located somewhere else.

    I linked to a YouTube video of my cousin. He sings, plays guitar and writes poetry.

    I can see where budding artists are using some of these 'things' to get their name out there and maybe get noticed.

  34. I finally did it! I had a difficult time and I am not really sure why. I posted a picture of Arlo, a dearly loved cat onto my blog at Anyway, I am now caught up and ready for this week's assignment.
    D Ornato
    usc library

  35. Had a little difficulty but mission accomplished. Posted a photo that brought back memories of a great vacation and a video of my all-time favorite band.

    Upper St. Clair

  36. a week late and a few dollars shorter .
    i posted a photo from flickr of charles bukowski at a poetry reading that i was a supporting poetry reader at. circa 1972 also that same event tom waits sang(?).then i tried to embed/post a richard thompson video, but i copied the wrong info, couldnt figure out how to remove it from my blog. i did then post a jefferson airplane/starship video called"have you seen the saucers.
    bayne library
    my blog url is

  37. Molly, Hill DistrictJuly 6, 2009 at 1:34 PM

    I had some slight issues copying the code from youtube (my computer here at work has a mind of its own), but in general I can definitely see its usefulness, for libraries and everywhere (not having to link somewhere else to view the photo or video, but having it directly embedded in the page itself).

  38. Took longer than I expected, but I added videos to my facebook using

  39. OK. Got this one to work at last. The photo part was fine--and I couldn't believe I found exactly what I wanted on Flickr! I then had a bit of a glitch trying to embed YouTube videos. I kept getting an html error, but then I tried a different method of copy and paste and I finally got some success! Hope you'll check it out at my blog:

    Shannon/Mt. Lebanon

  40. Took the flicker tour and posted a "Wicked" video on my blog as that is the lastest passion of the tween in my household.


    Diane/Bayne Library

  41. Well, I'm resultless as far as something for you to view in a cohesive blog setting - so this is what I meant for you to see...but in it's separate settings:
    a video on "Introducing the Book"
    a cool photo on Flickr entitled: "still here" by iseethemoon
    and finally on the ACLAFlickr site: under Teen District Services - a pair of shoes matched only by the ruby slippers themselves.
    CP&A - Main

  42. I've fallen behind and am now playing a bit of catch up! Opps! Oh for this week's things I created a Flickr account and uploaded a pic from a friend's page onto my blog. I couldn't get the You Tube video to embed so I'll try again later-it kept copying only half of the code even though it was all highlighted! Weird!

    Anyway, libraries have certainly used these tools to their advantage! I can think of several ad campaigns and programs that use these tools - both at sewickley and at shaler as well as the world at large. Cool stuff. I'm glad that they exist and will enjoy exploring them more in the future!

  43. Here is a wonderful video post from another site you guys may like:

    - Marilyn @ ACLA

  44. I took the Flickr Tour and tagged many images
    tried to upload one it went somewhere but was able able to add You Tube.
    Alissa/ WhitehallPublicLibrary

  45. I suppose I should actually mention that I finished this. Yay, me! Blog post is here:

    Warning: contains Peeps and supervillains.


  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I finally made time to add YouTube to the DunnInn Blog. I selected one with one of my favorite authors Patrick McMannus. That man is nuts and makes me laugh so hard I cry! We need more authors like that in the world! I also added a video about creating a Google Timeline to my Facebook. Both were extremely easy. I have been playing with Flickr at home for a long time but just had never investigated YouTube. Thank you for pushing me to do so.
    Shaler North Hills Library


    Better late than never...
    -Jess, Woods Run

  49. I chose a picture from flickr,

  50. Did the readings, viewed some of the library videos, looked at ACLA flickr and Popular Tags on Flickr -- found much of it uninspired.

    Chloe - Main

  51. OK, finally finished Week 9 - had a ton of problems getting the video encryption to paste into my Blog post in Explorer. Had to use Firefox, which leads right into Week 10...
    Moving on now,

  52. I didn't feel confident or competent enough to
    to tackle the assignment, but watched the videos. I thought Cape May was cute. I really liked Vancouver, it said it all.


  53. I finally got around to getting this one done! :) Here's a link to my blog:

    BrieAnn, Northern Tier

  54. Here is my blog URL:

    My post on Border Collies embeds a flickr photo and a YouTube video.

    CLP Main (Digital Resources)

  55. Here is my blog URL

    I posted a picture of a sunset with the help and use of directions on the blogger website..since the blogger tool's link did not work.

    I like to post videos to facebook. I currently have a video of my friends' wedding when they walked in for the first time as "husband and wife".

    Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh at Main


    Probably my favorite assignment yet! :) (Possibly after creating the blog, actually -- that was a *lot* of fun ...)

    ~~ Pam (Monroeville)

  57. Both are done and on my blog:

    Luckily I'm already a member, so it was quite easy for me to use and post using flickr. Youtube I have used quite a bit and embedding a youtube video was so very easy.

    Again, I am amazed at how much more "point and click" everything has gotten since I last spent any time with a blog. I also see why lots of bloggers upload their content to Youtube and then imbed it in their blog.

    I think it would be fun to take videos of librarians doing storytime rhymes and post them to a library blog. I also think it could be useful for parents and teachers,esp. if it is a song (one that is not copyrighted).

    -Megan Fogt, CLP - Squirrel Hill

  58. I'm a little behind, but hope to catch up this week. I completed the exercise of using Flickr and YouTube and placing pictures and videos in my blog.

    I posted my comments and questions at

    Lisa R., Shaler Library

  59. This was so much fun, I almost felt guilty calling it work. But you're right that these are good tools for making a library blog and editing our website. Would you credit photos that you use from flickr, etc., or is that more information than you need?

    My blog is

    Lauri Ann West

  60. Well even though it's week 11, I just finished week 9. I posted my photo and video differently from how it was suggested in the directions. I couldn't get it to work. I kept getting a message that said the URL was not correct. Anyway, in keeping with my Disneyland vacation theme from May, I posted some disney videos and a statue entitled "friends." I'll try to catch up soon.

  61. You can visit my blog at ( ) KM/WT

  62. Mary Beth ~ Woods RunJuly 15, 2009 at 2:16 PM

    Better late than never....BUSY at the library! Chose Flickr Pic because it is pretty and library video is entertaining and a great advertising tool for summer reading. Check it out at

  63. I was already familiar with youtube but not flickr - I managed to create a flickr account and I embedded an image in my blog post using bloggers photo upload ( I haven't found a youtube video that I want on my blog or facebook yet, so we'll try that another time. Instead I chose "alternate thing #16" and watched other library's youtube videos. On to 10!


  64. I am a couple of weeks behind on this as I was on vacation.
    The sites (Flickr and Youtube were easy to use. Getting my selections into my blog was not as easy. I needed help with both.
    I chose the picture of Australia because I find the outback fascinating. I thought the film clip was hilarious.
    Both sites offer a wealth of possibilities for library use.
    Barbara USC

  65. Doing some catching up today. I browsed YouTube and found a wonderful BBC clip about the eclipse in India and Japan (, toured Flickr, found some fun dogs pix. I wasn't successful at posting either to my blog. I did post the YouTube to my brand-new Facebook page. Also set up delicious account.

    Kate G.

  66. Okay, I downloaded a picture. Joyce/Hill

  67. I enjoyed this week - fun and fairly intuitive. I posted a picture and video on my blog,, plus comments. I'm playing catch up too, not necessarily in order. I've been dabbling in a little of each weeks "things" as we went along - now trying to complete them ;-)

  68. I'm finally able to work on week #9!

    my blog address is:

    I created an account in flickr and have used it before from the library's account. I'm not a huge fan - for my own personal photos. I'm much more comfortable with Shutterfly. But flickr is cool for looking at other people's shots.
    I do think both flickr and youtube are great ways to add interest to our library blogs!
    Elizabeth/Mt. Lebanon

  69. I uploaded a Flickr photo and a Youtube video on these cool and affordable - 20k! - houses currently being designed in a community architecture program in Alabama to/in my blog.

    I've found pics of so many interesting things on Flickr.

    Believe it or not, I've never embedded a Youtube video before. About time.

  70. I loaded some photos onto my blog ( and a video to my FaceBook page. I had trouble embedding the video itself, so I guess I need some consultation with my colleagues. It's been fun, though.

    Mt. Lebanon

  71. I opened up a flickr account as well as a yahoo account. I tried to load a picture of Shaler Library from the flickr files with no success. Then I loaded a picture from my own files with success to the flickr account as well as to my blog account. Then I downloaded a video from you tube and I had a lot of problems with it. Thanks to a co-worker (Kathy) she helped me to do it successfully. My blog address is

    This was not fun.

    Joanne - SNHL

  72. I thought this was a pretty fun assignment. I couldn't get the alignment of the youtube video in the blog post just right, but will have to continue to play with it a bit.
