Tuesday, August 11, 2009

N@, Part I

You know how sometimes you find a thing, but aren't sure exactly how to pass it on?

The Follett Digital Reader user guide is the perfect example. I could send this to einlibs, or post it in the ACLA wiki, or link it up on Facebook. I could probably put it in multiple places. But, I wonder, what's the best way to make sure we all know there's a user guide to those pesky Follett ebooks?

What do you think 23-Thingers?


  1. I have enjoyed the experience and hope that,in my personal computer use, I can incorporate some of the things I've learned. Although I have my MLS degree, my volunteer work as a charge-out clerk at Sewickley and serials catologer at Scott doesn't give me much opportunity to promote, to patrons, any of the 23 Things. When I can,though, I will.


  2. I just happened to be log into my blog (even though I haven't updated it since 23 Things), and saw that you added a new entry to your blog. I'm still probably a creature of habit and the one thing I do check very regularly is my library work e-mail account, and my facebook (that was created as a result of this exercise), but what would I need to be connected to on facebook to receive updates such as this? I suppose if I knew you were going to continue this blog as a means of communication updates, I would be sure to check it regularly. Have a great day! :-)
