Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 12 - The Grand Finale

Over the 4th of July weekend I remembered that I had a cousin who could not say Grand Finale. Instead he would keep asking when he would see the Grand Jumbally. Of course as an adult that stuck with me and it makes me laugh everytime I think about it. Our initial reactions to change and technology also tend to stick with us, unless we have the opportunity to really get our hands dirty playing and inspecting new technologies. Think of it as mud pies for the mind. From You Tube here are some words of wisdom about technology.

Since this is the final week you have 3 quick assignments: (Thing #21) please give us your final comments. You can post them right here on this blog. (Thing #22) Take the exit survey by following this link. And for the Grand Finale, (Thing #23) please share your new skills with your fellow library workers and users. The greatest gift of all is not in knowing everything, but sharing everything we know. Now remember you have 2 weeks to continue working on assignments you couldn't get to or needed more time for. So pat yourselves on the back and many thanks for your participation! For fun here are some links on the 23 Things Wiki


  1. Many thanks for providing this opportunity of 23 things n'@. I came out of the experience a little taller, having had a glimpse of what some of the new techno babble is about - as Eddie Lizzard so appropriately put it..."it's a love/hate relationship." I came, I saw and little by little I will use. I know my teenage daughter will be able to tutor which point I can share with others. Nice job.
    --Jackie CP&A (Main)

  2. This was fun and informative. Even though I had experience with some of the "things", I learned a few new things along the way.

    Meghan from McKeesport

  3. I liked the idea of online classes, but, I think this one was tooooo long, and it took too much time. Some of the "Things" were very interesting, others I can't imagine ever using.


  4. It was in a learning experience, in that I never used Flickr and Twitter prior to the course. At least now, I will be a a little more conversant to being more knowledgeable for the public and myself.


  5. Hard to believe that the 23 things assignments are over. The lessons were alot of work, but they provided an opportunity to learn and explore the on-line technology that is available. I am glad that I participated in the exercises! Special thanks to Kelley, Ryan, Beth and Leigh Anne's hard work.

    Bethel Park

  6. I really enjoyed this course. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and gave me good tools for trying many things I had only heard or read about. The Common Craft videos were especially helpful because I was working at home, alone. Given those circumstances, I felt very good about being able to complete all 23 things. Thank-you for a much-needed and very relevant course.

    Deb CLP-Main

  7. Thanks to all who have put their time in to helping us all learn these wonderful 23 things. It has been a great learning experience. I will share what I have learned with not just co-workers, but my children and husband!!! Thanks again for all of your time.

  8. Oh, Eddie Izzard! How I love Eddie Izzard, and that is the beginning of my all-time favorite Eddie routine. ;-) That said --

    I wasn't sure what to expect when I first signed up for 23 Things. Would it be all old information that I already knew backwards and forwards, or would I be completely lost by new and unfamiliar material? Of course, it ended up being a mixture of both, which meant the course was a nice reminder of how much I know about the world of technology, as well as proof positive of how much is still out there for me to learn. Which is as it should be, because if there's been a running theme to 23 Things, it has been, at least for me, the idea of Change. Technology is all about change, which means that just when you think you've gotten the hang of everything, it all changes. Which is interesting and frustrating and challenging and fun all at once, and makes for great stand-up routines. ;-)

    So I enjoyed trying these past twenty-some exercises -- some new to me, some not, but all interesting. I'm already looking forward to the twenty-third assignment -- where I get to try out these lessons in helping patrons. Because that, really, was the point.

    Thank you so much for this course!

    ~~ Pam (Monroeville)

  9. It’s good to be able to get our required education credits online, and it’s much more likely that people will sign up for online classes, I think; but it would be better if the classes were more compact. Thanks.


  10. I gained so much from this experience. It's easy to be afraid of new technology, and this series gave us an overview that was not intimidating. It inspired me to blog ( which has been a great outlet for me as I moved away from the job I loved at the Upper St. Clair Library. I am job searching around my new home (near Oil City) and not having much luck, with library funding and the economy being in a free fall. Learning about new technologies can only help me in this situation! I may not use or completely understand the ins and outs of some of the topics, but I have a basic understanding and can explore what is useful to me. Thanks to Leigh Anne and Kelley for their very supportive comments on my blog - I know you, as well as Ryan ad Beth, must have put a lot of time and effort into this program. You all should feel fortunate to be part of ACLA and the EIN - there is nothing up here that comes close to the services made possible by your network.

    Susan Saxman
    Upper St. Clair Township Library

  11. Molly, Hill DistrictJuly 20, 2009 at 1:38 PM

    Thanks for putting this all together, it was definitely a really useful exercise.

  12. Thank you for providing an excellent introduction/review to a variety of Web 2.0 tools and technologies. The lessons were very well organized (thanks to Ryan, Leigh Anne, Beth and Kelley) and the "things" (assignments) were manageable. I feel better prepared to help customers when they are struggling with newer technologies. But, the real question is how to use Web 2.0 technologies efficiently to improve our jobs as librarians. Many of the technologies (e.g. social networking) may have potential, but there is a great tendancy to be bogged down with the technology itself and not use it to the greatest benefit.

  13. Thanks to everyone who has commented so far. It has really been a privilege to "meet" you via your blogs and online comments, and I'm glad to hear all the comments, both pos. and neg., because that will help us improve the program for next time.

    Naomi's comment is something that is never far from my mind: how do we USE these things to our greatest advantage? The answer will be different for every library and set of patrons. Here at Main we've found a use for LibraryThing that helps us cut down on duplicate ordering, so that's been great, but didn't turn out to be as popular/useful as I'd's all trial and error, and being willing to call it quits when something ISN'T working, IMHO.

  14. It has been so much fun to get to know all of you via these assignments and also the technology playgrounds. When trying to think of a way to end things, Eddie Izzard's rant about technology kept coming to mind. On bad days his routine about the Death Star Canteen also came to mind - but that's a story for another day. Keep in mind 23 Thingers, that we're bringing Helene Blowers to Pittsburgh in the fall, and you will have the opportunity to meet with the creator of the 23 Things program!

  15. A very interesting course, fun to do for the most part, and needed by me, because I was not really familiar with many of the topics--vaguely familiar--but now I am more knowledgeable, having had to do actual hands on assignments. The format was excellent--I enjoyed learning through videos which could be watched more than once if necessary. Kudos to Kelley, Ryan, Beth, and Leigh Anne--a lot of hard work went into planning, preparing, and expediting this course!
    Ruth/Mt. Lebanon Library

  16. I appreciated the chance to work through these 'things' with guidance, instructions, and a sense of humor. What I discovered is that I know more than I thought I did. I know when to stop and when to push on.

    I'm sure that I will increasingly find more reasons and instances to use these 'things' both for my own use and for assisting customers in the near future.

    Thanks for everything!

    Melissa Mc.
    CLP Main-First Floor

  17. I really enjoyed taking this on-line class. It is taking me out of my comfort zone. Now I am not afraid to explore new techology. I've learned so many new things thanks to you all. Thanks for planning all of this it was a great experience.


  18. I can't believe this is our final week. I think I was playing catch up through most of the past 12 weeks. But I truly enjoyed doing the things and reading others' posts about their experiences. It's been worthwhile and enjoyable. Thank you for putting this together!

  19. Thank you for allowing me to learn 23 things. I will take this experience and continue to discover and learn more. It has been very helpful and informative.

    Alissa Whitehall Public Library

  20. I enjoyed this lifelong learning activity. I've read about many of these tools but never taken the time to use them until now. I did not find any tool that I want to use regularily, but I've already passed along a few "things" to some of our patrons, so the experience was worth it!


  21. This has been a positive and worthwhile experience where I definitely learned some new things that I can use to help library patrons. Though it often was a venture out into the unknown for me, I always felt kind of safe being a part of this class and under the leadership team of Kelley, Beth, Leigh Anne and Ryan. Thanks to all of you for your time and hard work.

  22. WOW! Just when I was about to through in the towel, I find out it's over. It's a credit to your expertise that you were able to make this interesting for the savvy and not overwhelming for the rest of us.
    I learned enough to be able to distinguish between the things that will fit into my computer life and those that will not. And I'm sure I will be exploring some of the things to which you've exposed us until they become obsolete (maybe a month or so!).
    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I simply can't imagine the work all of you have put into this.

  23. First of all, You can teach an old dog new tricks. This old dog learned plenty. I can honestly say I throughly enjoyed this whole experience. I appreciate all the time, work and energy that the Gang of Four (Ryan,Leigh Anne, Kelly and Beth)put into this process.Their approach to the lessons and the gentle steering in the right directions were greatly appreciated.
    I really have tried in my personal and work life to keep up with trends and changes in technology(Web 2.0) aka Brave New World, and this 23 things helped me delve deeper and explore more facets of the multitudes of info available to library staff and patrons.Understanding many of the things I thought I knew in more detail helped me translate many of the concepts covered to co owrker and patrons.I so much appreciate my boss(Sharon) recommending me for participation in the program.I got to re visit (online) some contacts that I first made at the Technology Fun Fair this year. I'm sad to see this program come to a close, but I knw that the inventive folks behind this presentation will have more "stuff" for us to be exposed to in the future.PS although sometimes it was a chore to scroll through all the comments and peoples blogs, I really did feel it was vital to the experience to do so to see what questions and problems fellow travelers were
    having and how they resolved them.
    Best to All
    Andrew Bayne Memorial Library
    Bellevue PA

  24. When we began I wasn't sure what to expect - but after some initial anxiety started looking forward to the assignments. I didn't realize how much I didn't know and how unprepared I was for potential patron questions. Although a lot of what we learned is blurred, I feel that I am familiar enough to at least have a conversation and know where to look for answers. I am using several of the "things" at home.

    Thanks for offering the course. As a former colleague of Susan Saxman I was happy to see that she was able to complete the course and I echo her sentiments that we are indeed very fortunate to have the professional learning opportunities the Network provides.

    Upper St. Clair

  25. This was such a wonderful series of exercises, from which I learned so much. I appreciate the time and effort that it took to organize the activities and read the comments of the participants. The sheer amount of web 2.0 tools that are available is absolutely staggering ( and this coming from a technology native!), but the 23 Things program made learning about it all less intimidating. Thank you!

    Sara Beth, Sewickley Library

  26. I enjoyed having the opportunity to take this course. Although I was familiar with most of the topics that were covered, I did learn some new things, too. Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into creating this course for us!

    BrieAnn, Northern Tier

  27. It was informative, and knowledgeable.


  28. Wow, it seems hard to believe we've been at this for several weeks now and have done a total of 23 different technological-based things! While I have experience with most of the things we talked about already, this was still an educational, informative, and generally good experience. I will do my best to share my new knowledge with my coworkers and library patrons.

    Thanks for everything!

    Dani Thomas, Shaler North Hills Library

  29. Did the readings, watched the videos

    Did not do anything that would put me up on the Internet

    Mildly interesting, but did not "blow me away"

    Chloe - Main

  30. I'm definitely more prepared to help patrons who may have questions about Web 2.0 applications. Am I an expert? Definitely not. I've taken the Grand Tour, though, and know that I could find my way through again. Worthwhile? Yes, indeed.


    Regina G./CLP Sub Pool

  31. I enjoyed spending time connecting to my fellow, fellows and learning Things. It's one thing to hear about new technology but sometimes we need to be encouraged to try it, and I think this was a great platform to do so.

    -Tessa, CLP-Sheraden

  32. This made me do things I certainly would never have done on my own, so it was great in that sense. Things took a long time because I was unfamiliar with them, but then there wasn't enough time to expand on them before moving on and trying to keep up with the next exercises. I know I can go back, but making the time is the issue. Still, it broadened my horizons and I am glad to have been given the opportunity to participate. Thanks to all every who helped organize it!
    Sewickley Public Library

  33. Thank you for the opportunity to learn so much about new technologies in such a welcoming environment. As others have commented, I also found myself trying things I never thought I would try and having a lot of fun in the process. I especially enjoyed reading everyone's comments and getting to know more about people from many different libraries. Thank you for being so patient and helpful. I appreciate all the effort you put into making this course possible.

    Cathy L. -- CLP Library Support Center

  34. I just cannot believe it is over. Thanks for everything!


  35. Thanks for doing this program, guys. I enjoyed trying out some new things, and I especially liked seeing what some of my co-workers liked and did not like. It was nice to have a survey of the hot spots of technology for the masses. =) Cheers!

    Digital Resources
    CLP Main

  36. Kara, Shaler North HillsJuly 22, 2009 at 9:08 AM

    This was such a useful experience, even when it was challenging or time-consuming, because through the process I was exposed to so many things that I had never even heard about, or was hesitant to explore, without a push out the door and the wonderful guide map the Gang of Four provided! I found myself looking forward to the "things" every week and have incorporated many of the new technologies into my home and work life. I echo Naomi's concern that we find ways to USE this stuff in our library work, and I worry that I won't stay current w/out the weekly assignment nagging me! I especially liked the common craft videos, and all the extra tutorials. And finally, it was great to check out everybody's blogs and so nice of Leigh Ann, Beth and Kelley to always comment on our blog posts!

  37. As one of the Gang of Four I must tell all of you that you have also taught me things. For me it was similar to learning a piece of music and you have to break the sticky parts down into little pieces to learn them. Thinking about questions people might have or difficulties with certain "Things" really made me think about how I learn and how to translate that for other people.

  38. Thank you for these online classes. Some were things I knew a lot about and some were things I had only heard about. This gives me more confidence in dealing with patron questions. My only suggestion is that two weeks be alloted for each lesson.

    Linda Scott Wm. E. Anderson Library of Penn Hills

  39. Wow! Hard to believe I won't see any emails in my inbox to try new assignments!

    I'm happy I signed up for these classes. It was interesting to learn these assignments. Not every assignment was easy, but I'm glad I kept trying these assignments.

    Thanks for the feedback on my blog posts, too.

    I think it's nice to learn things via online. But, face to face interaction is better at times, too.

    If the opportunity presents itself, I will attempt to tell patrons , the many things I learned by completing these assignments.

    Monroeville Public Library

  40. I was familiar with most of the things that were discussed, but it was good to see how they're being applied in libraries outside of our system and even how they're used on both sides of "the library desk" here.

    Jess, Woods Run

  41. Gang of Four,

    Thanks very much for this project. I learned alot, first of which was to no longer flinch when someone said "Web 2.0"! My favorite personal outcome is now being part of the Facebook world. Have some catching up to do in these coming two weeks, and I'm looking forward to patron questions. I also enjoyed reading posts from library staff throughout the county.

    Kate G

  42. Mary Beth ~ Woods RunJuly 22, 2009 at 12:38 PM

    The experience gave me the opportunity to explore technologies that I am familiar with but do not typically utilize. It is interesting to see how people use various sites and such for entertainment and professionally.

  43. This was a very useful excercise. I got a chance to revisit some things I had looked at some time ago and reading about the experiences of others was very helpful as well.

    Thanks to all of you for doing this!

  44. Jill at Lauri Ann West Memorial LibraryJuly 22, 2009 at 6:13 PM

    I really enjoyed trying out all of the different Web 2.0 features. Although I had some experience with some of them, I did learn a lot, too. I look forward to sharing my new knowledge and know-how with our patrons.

  45. Ann Litz -- HarrisonJuly 22, 2009 at 7:12 PM

    EDDIE! My husband and I both follow him on Twitter! (He takes a lot of scenic pictures, whenever he's not performing in a dazzling dress and absolutely gorgeous makeup.)
    I'm really going to miss "23 Things." I've really had a lot of fun learning all about the new technologies, even if I come across as not quite taking them seriously in my postings. Like other posters, I really felt challenged to go beyond what I already knew (e.g.the organizers made sure everyone tried something they didn't already work with for the database exercise!)
    I've become a lot more comfortable with the new stuff, especially social networking.
    Kudos to Ryan, Beth and especially Leigh Anne and Kelley for putting everything together and providing such worthwhile feedback. Maybe someday I'll post to my blog again. Hope to attach names to faces for everyone irl.

  46. Haven't finished all my "things", but am commenting anyway. Can't do this during Library hours, have to do from home and it has not been possible the last couple weeks. I will finish soon! I certainly know more than I did 12 weeks ago. You need to know what technology is available to assist patrons, and these exercises helped me. Even impressed some of the younger members of my family. Thank you for putting this together.
    Millie @ Andrew Bayne Library.

  47. I have enjoyed these "things", these assignments a great deal. It was wonderful to do these at our own pace and the Common Craft posts and the tips, etc. that Beth, Kelley, Ryan and Leigh Ann gave us were so helpful and fun. This was truly one of the best, most worthwhile continuing education classes I have ever taken. Thanks!

  48. I kinda sorta enjoyed this project. It was very informative and I do enjoy learning new things. One of the things I liked best about this approach was that I could get my feet wet without having to do dry my hair afterwards. On the whole it really has been a positive experience. Thank you for offering this program. pwk/npl

  49. Thanks to Beth, Kelley, Leigh Anne and Ryan, I definitely have become flexible enough in these few weeks and have gotten little stronger in tech world (not completely). Kelley and Beth, I apprecitae all your comments in my blog. It made me feel like a real student waiting to see what the teacher would comment on my assignment. I really enjoyed learning and will definitely help who ever wants to learn with what little I know.
    Upper St. Clair Library

  50. Overall, I found this to be an interesting exercise. There were times I thought the assignments took longer than the instructions lead me to believe. But even so, it was well worth the effort. Most of the things I had already used, but there were a few things that were new to me. It was also nice that some many of my co-workers were also doing this.

    Monroeville Public Library

  51. 23 things has been a delightful experience. It was fun to watch my children's faces when I told them I had my own blog. Thanks for the opportunity; I would never have approached it without you.
    Diane Upper St. Clair

  52. Thanks for all the work you put into the 23 Things online course. I assure you it certainly was not in vain. Not only was it informative on a personal level, but it gave the libraries a good idea of what is out there and whether or not these are things they would want to incorporate into their libraries.

    I believe the course did reach one of it's main objectives which was to have us be better able to understand and help patrons with various technologies.

    At times, when things were busy, it did seem like just one more thing we had to do. It would be great if, on some level, assignments could be made available further apart ... i.e. once a month or so. It just seems like new technologies are popping up every time you turn around and keeping up with them on your own is quite a challenge that many folks put off in lieu of other work.

    Thanks again. I was pleased with the course and even more pleased with myself for finishing all the assignments. The knowledge learned has made me feel kind of empowered in an odd way.

    Jefferson Hills

  53. I was unfamiliar with most of the "things", so it took me longer to try and learn them. While I was exposed to all the "things", I'm still going to look for the nearest 12 year old to help me when I have a problem. Flickr I will use in the future. "You tube" never. Facebook I will use, since I found a number of relatives and old friends who use it. Thanks for the experience but I'm still "hopeless".
    Shaler North Hills Library

  54. I thought this was an excellent course. I appreciate the depth of resources provided both in the main posts and on the wiki, so that if even if you were familiar with the Thing of the week, you had ample opportunity to explore how it was being used, written about, etc.

    While it could be difficult to keep up, I found the format much easier to deal with than having to drive to alternate location for several hours to learn each of these things!

    Well done and I look forward to the next online ACLA CE opportunity.

    Mt. Lebanon

  55. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I made it!

    At the beginning , my son commented to me, why did the library select me to do 23 things. He doesn't know, I volunteered. It has been very challenging. I am a visual person- show me and I absorb like a sponge.

    I truely learned so much it boggles my mind.

    Thank you so much.

    Eileen from Shaler

  56. After seeing all of the things there are out there (most of which were very new to me), I think back to my immigrant grandmother and can finally understand her awe with air travel, television, microwaves, moon landings and more.
    As Wilbur Robinson said "keep moving forward".

    Thanks to everyone involved for a very interesting and painless learning experience.

    Have a great rest of the summer.

    Bayne Library

  57. Hello,

    I remember the days of "old tech" at libraries & at one point I felt a little burned out from using DOS-like programs and when everything I did on a computer at work involved a good stretch of time learning some kind of software code and hours of "input."
    So thank you for putting out 23 things, because I feel like I can learn and use the latest in 2.0 in a relatively short period of time. I think people who have been in libraries for a good chunk of years feel the same way & it's good to feel that the library world is kind of energized by all the new 2.0 things.

  58. I have enjoyed this learning experience of 23 Things. Thank you for all the hard work it took to create the lessons and then read up on our comments and blogs and actually respond back just to encourage us or answer questions. I learned more about things that I already knew about such as blogs (always a reader, never a creator of my own-although I don't know that I'll keep maintaining it because I just don't think I'm a creative enough writer to come up with my own topics), podcasts, facebook. I also learned about things that I never knew about such as the RSS feeds, Delicious Account, and inserting video and pictures into a blog. I don't feel like an expert on most things yet and would still not feel truly confident in helping a patron with questions on some of these things, but I've touched on these items enough that I could wade in and help the patron. I'm also grateful that this encouraged me to join facebook because I have connected with old and new friends and I enjoy the easy communication that this enables us to have in our busy world today. Thank you - this was a great learning experience and I would do something like this again or encourage others if it were ever offered.

    Lisa R., Shaler Library

  59. All I can do is agree with everyone else ... Thank you! I has been a great experience. I did know of all of these lessons but had no hands-on experience with almost all of them. You made me make time to play and learn about all of them. Thank you so very much for you hard work.
    Lesle Shaler North Hills

  60. Another voice added to the choir. Many thanks for providing this opportunity. I was pleased to see that I knew a good bit about many of the topics covered, but I also gathered some new tips and tricks along the way. The best way to become an evangelist for something is to have a passion for it and to have confidence in it. So, armed with more confidence, I'm ready to use these 23 Things and show them to others. So...the course was beneficial all around. Thanks, again!

    Shannon/Mt. Lebanon

  61. I have try to do the 23 things but didn't understand some of them. I didn't finish all of them but I will try. Some of the things I did do. I didn't have time to finish them at work or home to work on them. I really want to try to do them, but I think I need help


  62. Thank you so much for coordinating this systematic way of looking into web 2.0. I had fun doing the assignments--even though I ended up doing them all from home.

    I knew some of the things and learned a few more and that's exactly what I want to get out of any workshop. You (all) are the best for taking the time to put this all together!

  63. Wonderful introduction to many new things. Pushed me to try, and to play with, things I’ve wanted to but never made the time. Hands on experience is definitely the way I learn. (Will the Wiki pages still be available after the end of this 23 things? There’s so much more I never had time to do, I’d like to be able to keep going back to them.)

    So far I have focused mainly on personal applications of these tools. Using Facebook to find friends, keep in touch, has made it easier for me to relate to it. Seeing Facebook’s usefulness there lets me begin to see how it could benefit an organization. I’m starting to look at a variety of non-profits and libraries, and know this awareness will keep expanding. It also really helps when a patron asks about Facebook or Flickr or RSS or Twitter. I do have to say I’m not yet convinced about Twitter, but at least I can tell folks I’ve tried it!

    Some of us are sharing Web 2.0 experiences at work, what works, what doesn’t work, and I’m getting great insight from co-workers blogs. We need to make sure we make time to keep sharing new thoughts and ideas as 23 things ends.

    I still need to finish the ‘downloadables’ (easy if my computer will cooperate...) and comment on podcasts and Firefox, but the end is in sight. I will miss getting a new assignment each week - especially now that hiring a new employee is completed, several staff members who have been sick for some time seem to be back, we’re teaching fewer classes in August and if no one is on vacation - I might actually have some time! If the wiki and blog are still up I’m thinking of starting back at the beginning and look at each week from a different angle.

    I know this was terrifically time consuming for many of us (an understatement…), but I’m sure it was even more so for you folks trying to keep track and help us. Thanks for all your efforts! Your comments (and those of fellow learners) have been a big help and great encouragement.

  64. I enjoyed the class. I'd used most of the technologies before, but it was a nice refresher, especially since some had changed recently.

    I don't know that my personal use will increase as I think the fun of many of them comes from briefly stopping in between other tasks to see new messages/updates, and that just isn't practical with my current work mobility. Also, I'm a privacy freak.

    I can certainly see the applications for libraries, but the problem for me there has never been technical. It would be finding a steady stream of interesting content (and the time for people to create it).

    I do hope you leave the blog and wiki up as resources. You have a lot of fascinating links that I have yet to get to...

    -Meg, Northland

  65. Thanks to all of you for all the feedback, as well as the suggestions for going forward! We can definitely leave the blog and wiki up - in fact, in my idealistic dream world, we could add to the wiki on a regular basis as more info comes up.

    I'm really thrilled about the idea of keeping the blog going (though staffing would have to be hammered out, it would be a fun problem to wrestle with). If anybody thinks that would be something they'd be willing to do, speak up!

    And as for in-person things, I hear you. One thing I've really become attuned to throughout this process is the importance of adapting material to learning styles - there are about a million and one ways we could do these types of programs, and already my head is buzzing with ideas for what we could do differently next time. The fun one that rises to the top is a "23 Things Lunch," like a little brown bag affair - once a week during the program, if a library were willing to host, anybody who was free could show up with a brown bag lunch, and we could have lunch and chat about the exercises, maybe work on things together that we were finding challenging.

    See how inspiring all of you are? Keep those ideas coming!

  66. Thank you for all your hard work in putting this class together. It was well thought out and planned. I knew the fundamentals of most of the Things, but the videos and blogs that were provided helped a great deal with more in-depth instructions in using the Things.

    Please blog the blog and wiki up, it’s a valuable resource!

    I feel better prepared not only to help patrons, but to give them background information, when necessary.

    Jo Anne

  67. Although I didn't complete a few of the assignments toward the end, I felt a sense of accomplishment for the assignments that I was able to complete. I am not the most computer
    or technology knowledgeable person, but the course has taught me alot. Thanks


  68. I could not hear the words of wisdom from You Tube because the plug-in would not install on my computer. I enjoyed the course though found it somewhat frustrating as nothing ever worked the first time and sometimes it never worked. I now have about 30 "friends" on Facebook and don't know what to do with them.
    Barbara USC TWP Library

  69. I thought the online course was good for me. It brought me a bit further into cyberworld.
    Glad that you offered the course. Thank You

  70. One of the most wonderful aspects of this program has been being able to read through all my co-participants’ comments. There is not much I can add to their already expressed thank you to the Gang of Four. My gray matter has been “well wrested” and to quote Maureen from Jefferson Hills “I feel kind of empowered in an odd way.”
    The Common Craft tutorials were excellent. Keeping the blog alive or at least accessible would be great. It would allow us to putter around with bits that we didn’t quite master the first time around. I loved the Eddie Izzard video clip and took the time to look up the Death Star Cantina skit ..(not for the fainthearted but funny just the same!) Thanks again.

    Cathy (Northland)

  71. I really liked participating in this. I got behind the past few weeks but I appreciated the flexibility with catching up.

    I was familiar with most of these technologies, but I learned more about them and/or reinforced what I already knew. My comfort level increased, which is always a really good thing.

    I think the pace and level of information is really good. Not too much too fast, but enough info and learning to make a real difference in our effectiveness as librarians. I think it should absolutely be taught every year or periodically in some way.

    Thanks for providing me with this opportunity!

    Jude - CLP Main

  72. I thoroughly enjoyed the course! Some things I was familiar with (which was a confidence booster) and some things I struggled with but learning new technologies is such a great experience! Especially in this world where I feel that things are going by me so quickly.

    The hardest part for me was doing this in the summer. We are so super busy that it was difficult to find 10 minutes to sit down and work on it - either at home or at work. But I got it done and that is what counts.

    Nice job, 23 Things Team! Thanks for keeping it fun & fresh.

    Elizabeth/Mt. Lebanon

  73. I'm very glad I signed on for 23 Things. It was a great learning experience for me and I did things I'm sure I wouldn't have tried otherwise.
    I feel like I should make a list of all the things we've covered so I can remember to keep up with all these new skills and experiences, some of which I will seldom use, but that I enjoyed and appreciated learning about.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Really enjoyable, educational, and well planned and executed.

    Holly / Mt. Lebanon

  74. I loved this experience. To be fair, I had at least passing familiarity with the content, and in some cases (such as Twitter) I was there a few weeks before it came up as an exercise. However, by using some content that I wasn't necessarily interested in before taught me a lot. One huge lesson is that EVERYONE is on Facebook. Even coworkers I know to be technophobes are on it. It's so awesome to see.

    I enjoyed this a lot. I might not use everything, but it was great learning about it.

    BTW, I caught up on the week 5 and 11 exercises and blogged about them at

    Northland Public Library

  75. Well, I just want to say thank you! I have never fully embraced the word of technology, but this process was informative while being inviting. It has taken me where I have never even thought I wanted to go before. So thanks and I hope I can continue to explore these strange new worlds.

    Joyce/Hill District

  76. First I would like to thank you for offering this course and for all the time you put into setting it up and especially for making personalized comments on our blogs.

    I really enjoyed this course and found myself looking forward to the to the weekly “thing” assignments. I feel great that I made the time to complete all 23 things. I was familiar with some of the “things” but I also learned other technologies that I might not use, but I can help patrons or co-workers use them. I was especially amazed at how much I love facebook. I am totally addicted to it and I have to sign off now and tend to my two farms ;-)

    Susan S, Northland

  77. I thought this course was an excellent learning experience. I learned alot of things I had never knew before. Some of the things I will use and the others one I probably wont. I did get behind, but I got caught up in the last 2 weeks. I started off going the right speed, but then I got lost and confused and thanks to one of my co-workers she helped me alot when I needed help. I did learn many different things. I enjoyed writing in the blog, too. It is like a journal that others can see. I thought the videos that went step by step was very helpful and important. I could see what they were doing and then do it myself. : )

    Thanks so much for everyone that made this program a success!!! You guys did a wonderful job!!!

    Katie B from ACFree

  78. Thanks so much for putting this together! I have heard and experienced many of these technologies, but this gave me the time to actually play around with them without any guilt! I really enjoyed myself.

    Suzy from Moon

  79. Ann Litz -- HarrisonAugust 5, 2009 at 5:07 PM

    Just a footnote: I just scheduled a public Twitter class a week ago, and it filled up immediately. I scheduled a second class, which also filled up, and I now have a waiting list for a third. This stuff is in demand! Pass on what you've learned!

  80. I like learning new things, but at times I was very frustrated. I will continue to use Facebook as I am in touch with a lot of people and really enjoy it. I have become totally addicted to Farmtown. It is alot of fun and I have talked to people from all over the world. I would never have had that experience except for this course. Also I intend to use Flickr to share my pictures with family and friends. I know it was alot of work for you to put this together and now to go through all the comments. I appreciate all your hard work.

    Joanne - SNHL

  81. I echo the thanks to all of those involved in arranging for this amazing opportunity. I can't imagine how much time it has taken/will still take to go through the comments, the blogs, etc. and sort them all out.
    And just recently, I read something about Web 3.0.
    Are there 23 more things in our future?

    Downtown and Business

  82. I think I forgot to mention in my previous comment that all 23 things are on my blog. I haven't seen any comments for the past couple "things" and I wanted to be sure that you saw them because you are so good at commenting on the posts.

    Susan S, Northland

  83. Happy Friday everyone. If you check back here, I wanted to let you know that we're bringing Helen Blowers here (the 23things founder) to meet and greet and also talk about how to use what we learned. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing!

  84. I have not completed everything. No time. But I did learn a lot and will keep playing with the technology.
    Joyce @ Baldwin

  85. Ann Litz -- HarrisonAugust 8, 2009 at 3:52 PM

    Ummm...One last thing? Could you refresh my memory what Things 10 and 13 were? I couldn't find them on the main blog. Thanks!

  86. Thank you for this great opportunity to become more savvy using today's technology. I still have much to learn, but I am thrilled I completed the challenge.

  87. Hi Ann and other 23 Thingers - #10 turned out to be your week off where we told you to play and #13 fell off the radar during the YouTube week. Group Think is since we had multiple levels of exercises during the 12 week stint you probably did a 13th thing on your own we could call #13 the DIY week.

  88. Monday, August 10, 2009
    21 Things
    I have learned a great deal from the "23 Things Exercise". This exercise has coaxed me into learning the many forms of new technology which are at our disposal. In the past, I did not pay as close attention to these forms of technology which were constantly in our media.

    When Michael Jackson died, I saw how movie stars and other celebrities posted their feelings about him on Twitter. I have also noticed the numerous blogs which appear in the newspaper each day as well as the social bookmarking on different sites.

    Although this exercise has been a very positive one, I still have trouble understanding the mechanics behind everything and I am still somewhat apprehensive about signing off on new accounts. I know these feelings will dissipate, however, whenever I become more familiar with the technology.

    One of my major problems in doing this exercise was the fact that most of it was relatively new and I tended to procrastinate when I ran into problems posting information. This was especially true when there was other work which needed to be done for the summer reading program. Perhaps the "23 Things" would be better timed during the winter months. All and all, I am happy the program was provided for us.
    Posted by Ann Jefferson Hills Library at 9:23 AM 0 comments
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  89. Wow, this comment thread just keeps on going! I've been on vacation for about a week, but I'm making my way around to all the comments and things that went up in my absence...

    THREE Twitter classes!!! That is so exciting to hear! Wow!

  90. Thank you for all of your hard work. It's been fun and educational at the same time!
