Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 8 - Social Networking

Any article or conversation about Web 2.0 will inevitably stress the newly acknowledged primacy of the experience of the Web for the user. And the vehicle for converting the user’s experience from that of a solitary, passive viewer (as in what might be called Web 1.0) to one of rich, dynamic content and broad, interactive participation is social networking. In other words - you can join a social online community of your choice.

Defining Online Social Networks

As with a lot of 2.0 tools, pinning down a definition of a “social network” is difficult — it’s one of those “you’ll know it when you see it” tools! But how do you know what to look for? Here are a few characteristics of social networks:
  • profile pages: when you sign up for an account on a social networking site, your “profile page” becomes your home base. Most social networks allow you to add as much or as little information about yourself as you’d like. Common fields include your name, contact information, interests, and a photograph of yourself. Some social networks allow you to customize your profile page by changing the design, color, or look of the page (MySpace is an example), whereas other social networking sites use the same look & feel for all profile pages (Facebook is an example).
  • “Friending”: this is probably the most important characteristic of a social network because finding friends (existing or new) on a social networking site is pretty much the point of being there in the first place! So, most social networks allow you to add another person/profile as a “friend” or a “contact” and your collection of friends becomes your own personal social network (not dissimilar to the way social networks form offline too!). The “friending” aspect of an online social network often accounts for why some social networking sites are popular with specific groups. For example, Facebook began as a social network for college and university students; it has since opened up to allow anyone to join the network, but it still remains most popular with students. Why? Because people go where their friends are!
  • Groups: with real life social networks, groups tend to form around common interests, therefore most online social networks allow users to start a group or join a group based on their interests or common goals. Depending on the social networking site, you will probably find a group that represents your interests, regardless of what that interest might be!
  • For those of you interested in just short bursts of information about yourself or observations, then Twitter is the way to go. Twitter is generating a lot of attention these days as it's being used to discuss elections, social lives and work.

Assignment:(Thing 11)Sign up for either a Facebook, MySpace or Twitter account! Look for people you know in the social network you choose and "friend" them. (Thing 12)

If you’re not comfortable creating a Facebook, MySpace or Twitter account, for an alternate exercise:
  1. Find 3 articles on these or other social networks(Thing 11.)
  2. Blog about your thoughts on these tools and how libraries are using them. (Thing 12)

Go to our Week 8 wiki page for more resources or for a break click here and find out how libraries and librarians are using social networking.


  1. I already have a Facebook account and like being able to keep up with my "friends" even if I don't see them a lot. I recently got Moon Library updated on their Facebook page. I also created a blog for them and we are now on Twitter. I think of all of these as a way to communicate with our patrons. If that is the way people are getting the message, then that is one of the ways that libraries have to communicate. It is really a great opportunity to get outside of our four walls and reach those who might never step inside the physical space.


  2. hmm...well, i already have a facebook page and a twitter acount, but i don't share them with many people.

    i do tweet on behalf of CLP main every third wednesday, though. you can find me (and my fine colleagues) here:

  3. Already have a Facebook account. Personally, I feel Email is more than adequate.Really don't see the need for Twitter.But if it gives people to communicate more often, so be it.

  4. I already have a facebook account. I enjoy seeing what other friends are doing. It is a great way to stay in contact with other people that do not live close. I have also made a lot of new friends. Its fun and easy!!!!

  5. Have twitter, myspace amd facebook. I like twitter and
    Facebook best. I have friends I follow and many who follow
    Me. I like twitter best as one of my good friends
    Tweets a lot. Linda @ Penn Hills Library

  6. Facebook and I are old friends. I appreciate that they really make the effort to adapt to current networking trends. I find that myspace is good for musicians and tweens...
    I've been avoiding twitter, but I assume it's inevitable...

    -Jess, Woods Run

  7. Already have a facebook account and use it lots. I'll be following the comments on this week's topic closely though in order to tweak CLP's class on Social Networking which I produced this year. Somehow a lot of people seem reluctant to sign up for these accounts because they are afraid of privacy violations. I am personally a big fan of facebook because of the "clean" layout (don't like MySpace, too cluttered) and a lot of my extended family and friends from Canada are on there. I've gotten back in touch with a lot of people I hadn't seen for years.

    CLP Main--Digital Services (PC Center)

  8. I already have a Facebook account (look for me - Dani Thomas) and a Twitter account (danigirl823). I have boycotted MySpace as I think it's too flashy and superficial. I enjoy Facebook but I could really care less about Twitter - I only got it to see what all the hype was about.

    Dani Thomas, Shaler North Hills Library

  9. Great to see all the comments already (mere hours after we posted!) and also great to see how many people already participate in some of these interested social sites. Though it might not be useful to you personally, keep in mind that Twitter is gaining enormous popularity and being used in some pretty important ways - check out the wiki page of extra resources to see how libraries (and others) are using Twitter for more than just keeping in touch with friends!

  10. Hi, just set up my Facebook account and found some friends, as well. It went really smoothly and I can't wait to use it for a longer period of time!


  11. Those of you looking for a more professional social network will definitely want to take a look at LinkedIn:

    Also, Ohio's libraries and librarians have really been using social networking tools to get their word out. Check out their blog to learn more:

  12. I also already have a Facebook page. I love it. Yes, most of the time it is a waste of time, but hey it's fun!!

    Melanie Moore

  13. I have a MySpace account. I use it to follows musicians and bands that I like and to discover new music.Actually the folksinger Tom Rush was the person who recommended I join MySpace.
    My wife sometimes asks if I'm on Spacebook again, because as a result of innovative web 2.0 planning on the part of our glorious leader at Bayne and Megan Sparkles Andrew Basyne created a Facebook account and I was invited as a friend.This led to friending several old timers such as myself from my previous employment as a rehabilitation counselor and even high school chums.I have friended some patrons of our library who particiapte in book discussion groups and our Wii intergenerational sessions, also co workers at Bayne. I'm am also friended by my daughter.When Stephen Colbert was asked if he was on Twitter by a morning talk show host he replied"Yes I have twatted" I can't say that I have yet, but I'm sure I will just to see what twicks and tweets are out there.

    Andrew Bayne Memorial Library
    Bellevue PA

  14. Meghan from McKeesport

    I have facebook and myspace and like them both but I like facebook better.

  15. Bev from Whitehall

    I also have a facebook account with a faraway friend. She encouraged me to join in. It is fun and I like facebook.

  16. I already have a facebook account, but not myspace or twitter. Since a lot of my friends have facebook, too, it's a convenient way to keep in touch. I've found it to be very useful in organizing my team for my upcoming local Relay for Life. When I need to send messages out to my team members, I don't have to worry about creating an email list or anything; I just plug in their names and that's it. (It was also useful in recruiting those team members, since I don't have email addresses for many of my facebook friends, and wouldn't have otherwise been able to get in touch with them.)

    BrieAnn, Northern Tier

  17. I have created a page on facebook and am looking forward to the various ways I can utilize this page in the future.

    Jefferson Hills

  18. I started an accout on twitter. This is my favorite social network. It's quick and to the point. I did tweet about my book babies group.I added a profile and am fallowing Martha Stewart and CNN news. I checked out Facebook and found my daughter. 23things Week 6 I added a comment about dattabases (Sat.6/20/09)but forgot to add my name. Hope you'll give me credit,thanks. Kathy/WT

  19. I created a Facebook account during this past winter. It was fun befriending and writing to people who I haven’t been in contact with in a long time. Recently, I expanded my network and found some co-workers on Facebook by searching under “Northland Library” as an occupation. I even found out that Northland Library has a fan page up as well. I think Facebook and other social networking sites can be an effective publicity tool to reach a broad range of people, but it only works if the page gets frequent updates. Our library fan page needs to be updated more often. . .


  20. I have been a facebook user since 2004 and that is when I started my account. I have changed and updated it many times. I enjoy keeping up with high school and college friends that I can not see very often. I used to have a myspace page but I deleted my account about a year just seemed to me to be used by younger people. I needed a social networking site that not only is a social practice but can be used professionally as well. I dont really get Twitter, although I have account. I do understand the importance it has on the Iran ordeals. How can it be used for the library? I am not sure..I have not thought about it creatively enough. I dont think it can be used for a publicity tool when there are people who attend the library who do not have the means to have interenet or the computer at home.

    Melissa Haas, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Main

  21. I have a facebook account and I enjoy the informal ways it allows me to connect with friends. I'm a semi-social person, so it's nice to just be able to keep up with people by reading their posts and responding if I choose.

    @ Leigh Anne, it's interesting that you mention the Ohio Libraries blog. I have two friends that posted about the plight of the Ohio libraries today on facebook. I like that I can connect with librarians and friends of libraries from across states on facebook :)

  22. Oops, sorry, fogtmk = Megan Fogt, CLP - Squirrel Hill. Feel free to look me up on facebook :)

  23. I joined Facebook and added my son and his fiancee as friends. I've never used a social networking site before and I probably won't use my account on a regular basis. I'm more comfortable using email to keep in touch.

    Cathy L. - CLP Library Support Center

  24. I already have a Facebook account and use it to keep up on recent family news, as well as some of those minor, casual things you otherwise might not hear about but like to know how things are going in your friends' and families' lives. It seems esp. important when you live a long distance apart. Also to keep in touch with older teens and young adults in their 20's-- it seems imperative.
    warning though - it sometimes misrepresents groups. Northland library's photo was used by an unofficial group in a negative way; and you should realize that others can and will read your profile if you are worried about keeping your private life public. Some people are more sensitive than others, or have had bad experiences. For me personally, the experience has been postitive.]
    I'm on Facebook, and I posted a few photos from my vacation where I am right now -- in the Canadian Rockies !!!
    Edith Sutterlin, Northland Public Library.

  25. Morning All: it's great to see all your posts and also wonderful to note how many of you are familiar with and use social networks. I wanted to address the question about how to use Twitter. I don't have a personal Twitter account, but ACLA has one and right now we are using it to talk about the library funding crisis. If your library started a Twitter account you could use it to post new books that are ready to read, book reviews, or program information. You could even use it for staff picks. It's just short bursts of information!

  26. @ Megan F., me too! I get most of my library world scoop from what's posted on Facebook, which has helped me cut down on blog subscriptions - if something important happens, with as many librarians as I have on my friends list, somebody's going to post it...

  27. I set up a Facebook account and found quite a few people I know - though mostly my son's friends!
    Barbara Upper St.Clair

  28. I have a Facebook account and I love it. It has been fun to connect with people including some I went to elementary school with! Facebook has also brought old friends back into my life so for me social networking is more about bringing those connections back into real life. Twitter on the other hand does not interest me. I do not need to know what people are doing (famous or otherwise) every minute of the day. I know some people love it but it is not for me. I signed up for a Twitter account and deleted it two weeks later.

    Jen Pickle-CLP-Allegheny

  29. Joined Twitter.

  30. I'm new to all of this. Just set up a Twitter account and found my daughter. Who knew? Sent an update and hoping to hear back. I had to try Twitter a few times since the site was overwhelmed - must be extremely popular.

    Upper St. Clair

  31. I set up a Shelfari account.
    Joyce Broadus, Hill District

  32. I have had a Facebook acct. for about a year (got it as a result of a Library 2.0 workshop I attended and wanted to try it out). I love it and now all of our family is on. Really helps us to keep up with each other and discover friends far and wide. Recently got in touch with a friend from my freshman year in college (way, way long ago!). I am a member of the "Too old for Facebook and I don't care!" group.
    Also have a Twitter acct. but I don't use it and don't seem much need for it (at least for me).
    Doreen / Mt. Lebanon

  33. I've been on Facebook since January, myspace since I don't know how long. I was on friendster and before that, sixdegrees (anyone else remember that one?) I am also on LinkedIn. I can never think of what to put for facebook status updates, so I don't really feel the need to join twitter, and not a lot of my friends are on there anyway.


  34. Hi!
    I also have a Facebook page. Ing talked me into it sometime ago. You never know who or what is going to show up. Recently, I heard from a high school group and tonight I found a lost friend from Girl Scouts. Social networking is fun-but I need to check it more often.
    I am not interested in a Twitter account. I have enough trouble keeping up--ha ha---with Facebook.

    Lynn Hahn
    Bethel Park Public Library

  35. I have had an account with both MySpace and FaceBook for some time now (but less than a year), although I use Facebook almost exclusively. What an ego boost this social network is. You see, as a retired teacher having former students reconnect not only to update me about their post-high school lives but to sincerely inquire about how I'm getting along is so nice. What a blessing their communications are.

  36. Molly, Hill DistrictJune 23, 2009 at 11:13 PM

    I'd been putting off creating a Facebook account, but I guess it was about time I gave in.

  37. I created a Facebook account. After allowing Facebook to scan my email addresses, I found that a cousin in Italy and my son in South Korea were also on Facebook. I also have several friends from our library now.
    My computer time is so limited that I will probably opt out of several of the things I have signed up for, but it was fun to learn about them and try them out.
    Charlie, Shaler

  38. I already had a facebook account, although I do not use it often. I would rather call friends, etc.
    Shaler North Hills Library

  39. I opted to do the additional reading on the subject instead of setting up an account right now. Via this week's info, I was able to follow link after link and view some entertaining (not to mention informative) presentations on the subject.

    Creating an account will happen for me sometime soon, I'm sure. I imagine it will be like my recent epiphany when I realized that a perfect use for a previous week's topic re: wiki pages would be to help me to organize my neighborhood's block party (i.e., who is bringing what to eat). Sometimes things take time to sink in.

    Regina G./CLP SubPool

  40. It's so cool to see how many people are on facebook. It does seem to be taking over MySpace these days. A few libraries in our county even have group pages for their libraries and they seem to be very successful!

  41. Have you read The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly?? Being a tech-scared person, the uses (and ease) of finding out info. on a person scares me! I know young adults don't look at privacy issues the way as I do. With an up and coming tween at home, all the social networking is causing me anxiety on how I can "control" what she is putting "out there". I did the alternate exercise of reading more on these sites: (gives me hope!)

    and for the pure enjoyment of his writing:

  42. I found several articles on different social networks. It was difficult to get interested in sites where people twitter about what they are doing with their day. As far as blogs were concerned, I found useful and interesting material; however, I realize we need to consider the source when gleaning information from blogs or the Internet.

    Since I work in the Computer Center, I come in contact with many people who have little or no computer skills. Therefore, I don’t think we can effectively reach our patrons with social networking.

    Jo Anne

  43. I opened a Twitter account,but I have no idea what I would use it for.

  44. I forgot to put my name on my comment...
    I opened a twitter account but I have no idea what I would use it for.

  45. I have a Facebook account. It's neat to see what friends are doing with their lives.

    I tried MySpace. I ended up deleting my account because I felt it was a place for teenagers to hang out.

    Monroeville Public Library

  46. Jill at Lauri Ann West Memorial LibraryJune 24, 2009 at 4:13 PM

    I have had a Facebook account for a few months now, and I have to say that I am addicted. Although I don't post to it much, I love reading everyone else's posts and playing Wordscraper with my sister who lives in Ohio. I'm looking forward to setting up a profile for our library on Facebook, which we plan to use to help promote our programs.

    I am still getting used to using Twitter, which I signed up for a few weeks ago. I am following a few organizations and friends, but, again, I don't post much to it about myself.

  47. Twitter seems to be one of those things that people either love or hate. I find it interesting that people use it so differently - The P-G and Trib both have accounts, so I follow them to catch breaking news - that's actually how I learned about both the shootings in Binghamton NY earlier this year, and Ed McMahon's death the other day. DUQ and WPXI have feeds also.

    O brave new world!

  48. Mary Beth ~ Woods RunJune 24, 2009 at 4:42 PM

    I created a Twitter account.

  49. Created a Facebook account - never thought I would...will certainly impress my grandchildren. Still have to play around with it, but I'm having fun.

    Millie @ Andrew Bayne Lib.

    Alissa/ Whitehall Library
    Try this blog

  51. First, I'd like to say that I'm enjoying delving into these new areas. I can see the marketing potential in twitter and facebook for libraries to get the word out quickly to their tech savvy patrons regarding upcoming events, emergency closings, new materials etc.

    On a personal level, I don't feel the need to be involved in any of them. I prefer the human voice over a "tweet" I really don't want to "friend" anyone I've "met" online, and high school was a nightmare I'd rather not relive searching for people I didn't like 30 years ago. (O.K. now you know my age group.)

    I do however honor the fact that a lot of people love and need these tools in their lives. I guess that's the great part of working in a library - there's something for everyone!

    In the spirit of 23 things I set up a Twitter Account. Following my own spirit I promptly deleted all of my "followers".

    Thanks for listening.

    Bayne Library

  52. I have both at Facebook and a Twitter account.

    I use Facebook quite often, primarily to keep in touch with people outside the Pittsburgh area. I don't actually Twitter, I just follow a few people and check the account once a week. What blows my mind is that I never Twitter but yet I have followers. What are they following? Perhaps we're all sheep that just like to be part of a social group?

    Scott Library

  53. Wow, now I know what the young people and many of the library patrons are doing. I visited all three social networks but only set up an account with Facebook and Twitter. I am a little bit lost out there but it was still fun to check them out.

  54. I've had a Facebook account for a while and have been pleased with the number of "old" friends I've connected with. I also have several library friends and it is fun to see their posts about what they are doing at their libraries during this crazy time we call SRC.

    I have not given in to Twitter yet because I really don't want "tweets" about what everyone is doing. I can barely process the important things I need to be paying attention to. I might change my mind some day...

  55. I opted for the articles on social networking. Don't honestly think I would personally use but am keeping an open mind. Will contact college friends and family to see if any twitter,my space or facebook. At that point, I'll decide if I want to set up an account. Currently, use email notification or telephone.

  56. Jo Anne made a really good point, above, about our patrons and their computer skills. I have to confess that, when I Twitter, I'm not really thinking about our patrons. I'm thinking about all the people Twittering who could be our patrons if they knew how cool we were.

    We can't have an either/or world anymore, not if we want to survive. We have to figure out a way to take care of our current patrons and get new ones...on a shoestring...with fewer staff...anybody have an aspirin?

  57. Susan/Shaler Library--I already have a Facebook account. I have been able to connect with high school friends from many years ago. I have friends who check their Facebook account all the time.. I don't see myself getting hooked on it...but it is interesting.

  58. I am new to Facebook and I have a lot to learn. It is frusrtating at times but it can also be fun.

    Joanne - SNHL

  59. O.K. I gave in and signed up with Twitter; it was kind of neat watching the real-time tweets come in from CNN about Michael Jackson. I'm still deciding what to follow, but I'm inviting anyone who posted a comment on my blog, if they left an email address or have one on their blog. I love getting mail from people I know; it's like finding something besides catalogs and bills in the mailbox. I do plan to sign up with Facebook when I have some free time, cue the "hardy har har."
    At the risk of revealing my former life, I'm on @greenhouseannie.
    Ann Litz -- CLAV Harrison

  60. I just set up a facebook account and am enjoying playing around with it. My circle of "friends" continues to grow...its seems exponentially! My only problem is that I don't really have the time in my life to do email, facebook, phone calls etc. I tend to gravitate to email...

    I am interested in twitter...especially after reading a comment that someone posted about breaking news coming in.

    Even though I might not utilize these tools as much as others, I see their value and the need for librarians to be aware of them and possibly use them to be in communicate with colleagues and patrons.

    Joy Herrington, Shaler North Hills Library

  61. I have a Facebook account, so I decided to focus on Twitter and how libraries are using both FB and Twitter. I even managed to get the one Twitterer I follow into my Google Reader! (I think.)

    It's interesting to me to see the ways these social networks can be used to promote libraries in a new way. Lots of ideas, not enough time to carry them out!

    Natalie, Mt. Lebanon

  62. I have signed up for a Facebook account. I was surprised how many of my friends are on it. I feel like a dinosaur but I am also mad that my friends did not tell me about their accounts. I have already caught up with some people I haven't seen for several years. Thanks for giving this dinosaur a push.
    Kim E NPL

  63. Kara, Shaler North HillsJune 26, 2009 at 8:50 PM

    I have signed up for a Facebook account and can see how addicting it could become. I especially appreciate being able to better understand what all the hoopla is about. I friended library coworkers, former TAB members, and college friends from years ago. It is hard to keep up with everything! Yet it is exciting, and if I can just add 10 more hours to my day I think I'd be in good shape.

  64. I have been helping patrons with My Space Accounts for a long time. I never signed up for one because I don't want to get addicted to it. But I did sign up for an account just now, which I will probably delete. I searched for the patrons that I have helped with My Space. I didn't invite any of them to be my friends. It's cool. I just don't have time for it right now. Barb Mt. Washington and then... Allegheny starting at 4:00 p.m. today.

  65. I have opted to read up about social networking and will be posting comments to my blog in a day or two. In addition to the links on the 23 Thing page, I find that I can learn so much by reading through the other participants' comments posted here. Through these comments I've been able to get a better sense of the uses and flavors of Facebook, Myspace & Twitter. I really appreciated Debi from ACLA comment (6/24) about the generational difference of "privacy issues." I think that she has a very valid point. I will also be checking out the articles posted by Alissa (Whitehall). Thanks to all for sharing your insights.
    Cathy (Northland)

  66. I signed on for a twitter account. Have not been able to find anyone I know , but still
    working toward understanding how itmall works.


  67. Last post meant to say "how it all works"


  68. I have had a facebook for some time. It is fun and exciting at times. I communicate with co-workers through it all the time, which is great.

    Shaler North Hills Library

  69. Saturday, June 27, 2009
    Social Networking
    I was on the "Facebook" page , when all of sudden my daughter walked into the room and questioned with fear in her voice, "WHY ARE YOU ON FACEBOOK?"
    Does this give me more incentive to sign up or am I just a wimp? I will have to think about it.
    Ann from Jefferson Hills

  70. Ann Litz (Harrison)June 27, 2009 at 3:19 PM

    Note to EIN members: If you're expecting Twitter invitations, watch your email quarantine; for some reason, the email program assumes invitations are spam.
    Note to Twitter users (or invitees): Twitter has been having problems with followers and following over the past few days. They're "working on" the issues, but a bunch of people have told me they're not connecting.
    I guess I broke Twitter.

  71. I signed up for twitter. So far I haven't made any friends but I have invited my sister and friends by email to join me on twitter. I have to wait and see who will join me and how will twitter work for us.
    Upper St. Clair Library

  72. I signed up for a facebook account. I was familiar with it because my daughter has an account, but I wasn't really sure if this was for me, but now that I've signed up I can see where it will be fun. I was able to connect with an old friend from 14 years ago that I used to work with. It's so nice to be back in touch with her. I've also friended several friends and co-workers. I think I'm going to enjoy it.

    Lisa R., Shaler Library

  73. I already had a twitter account and I enjoy the brevity of the tweets. I signed up for face book, but got scared when 8 friends automatically appeared. It felt eerie and I felt spied upon.
    Diane of Upper St. Clair

  74. Came back from being away for a week and finished the assignment. See the new post on my blog.

  75. I already have a Twitter and Facebook account, but I prefer not to share the accounts with people whom I am not familiar. :D

    Sara Beth, Sewickley Library

  76. I've been on Facebook for about 6 months or so. I won't say I love it, but it's a great way to keep up with family that is far away. I have no interest in Twitter, but also understand how popular it has become. I do like that it's possible to follow certain groups on Twitter without actually having to join.

    Monroeville Public Library

  77. People have been telling me for months I should be on Facebook, but this made me do it. I don't see how people have time to keep up with what people they don't even know are doing, but maybe Twitter is better since you have to be short and sweet. I'll have to check that out, too.
    Sewickley Public Library

  78. I set up a Facebook and Twitter account. I also did some work previously on the twitter account for Northland and linked it to our blog.

    Susan S

  79. Those of you just joining Facebook for the first time might want to look at this article from the New York Times:

    Facebook messages become public by default.

    Those of you who already have restricted settings won't see this yet - they've started with people who have their profiles open and public. But bottom line is, you will have to choose, every time you write something, whether or not you want it to be private.

    Personally, I think this is going to go over like a lead balloon. I mean, there's a REASON why my privacy settings are so high in the first place...and it certainly won't make me want to use it more. Boo, Facebook! Yay Meg for nudging me to share this. :)

  80. I was on vacation last week and just getting back to this.

    I already had a Facebook account--which in and of itself could mean Facebook is both passe among the young an hip--I mean I'm a boring 47 year old and I'm on Facebook, the kids must be fleeing the building fast--but also soon to be a big thing (all of my peers are suddenly turning up with Facebook accounts--can the folks for whom the library is their only computer access be all that far behind?

    I'm not the "group joining" type so lots of social networking doesn't appeal to me. And though this marks me as too much the obsessive cyclist, I do follow Lance Armstrong and a couple of other bike racers on Twitter. Will never tweet myself though, ever.

  81. This was the easiest week ever! I already have a Facebook account and have some co-workers and family members added as friends. I thought about trying out MySpace, but the layout makes my eyes bleed ;-)

    I also am on Twitter. I don't "tweet" much, but I do follow some awesome people such as Weird Al Yankovic (, Neil Gaiman (, John Hodgman ( and Misha Collins (, who is insane and funny as heck. If you follow only one celeb twitter, follow Misha. Dude is delightfully bonkers, and he's totally my crazy internet boyfriend. Check my blog for more comments about Week 8 stuff:

    Northland Public Library

  82. Just catching up.
    I already have a facebook account and use it often.
    So I tried Twitter and I really don't see myself writing much on it.

  83. I signed up a facebook account, answered one friend request and sent out several request have heard from some. Not catching the buzz, but am staying on till I figure out what's what. pwk/npk

  84. My comment is on my blog:

    Deb CLP-Main

  85. I already established a Twitter account for our department: MLPLkids. It hasn't been active, but it is up and ready to go when we get ready to tweet. For now, I'm not interested in looking for followers.
    Holly / Mt. Lebanon

  86. Meg from NorthlandJuly 3, 2009 at 2:25 PM

    I ended up being longwinded, so my comment is on my blog.


  87. I did three readings:

    "10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know"
    "Libraries That Twitter" -- prominent uses/pros & cons of using.
    For the third reading, I plucked a book from the circulating collection (Web 2.0 for Librarians and Information Professionals by Ellyssa Kroski) and perused the chapter on social networking software.
    Chloe -- Main

  88. I also already have a Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace accounts. The only one I really use is the Facebook account. I have had a great time catching up with friends. Us all being together on Facebook even lead to a small reunion at a picnic this past weekend. It wouldn't have happened without Facebook!

  89. OK, I signed up for a Facebook account a few weeks ago. So far, my teenage daughter has taken pity on me & keeps posting photos to it so it looks like I'm not a complete Luddite. It has great potential, but I can't squeeze any more into my jammed schedule to really find out where I can go with it. Baby boomer navigating in a Gen Z society - scary!
    CP&A Main

  90. I confess to having a rather "inactive" Twitter account - guess I need to get re-activated! I have also signed up for LinkedIn and joined several "groups" as part of that. There is some interesting discussion I find particularly in the group postings.

    - Marilyn @ ACLA

  91. I started out with a Friendster account, probably 2 years after everyone else had, and way after it had past its prime and appeal. I missed myspace, as I found the pages too "busy" and overwhelming. But I love facebook, and have used it to connect with old friends from high school and college, as well as fellow librarians and library school students.

  92. I joined twitter and I'm following Steve Harvey

  93. I don't have a twitter account, but I was interested in this article from Twitter to Find a Job

    I'm on facebook.

  94. I have a Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter account. I am on Facebook and Myspace more than once a day. I enjoy looking for people I know or went to school with in the past. I think Facebook is really popular. I found out one of my Uncles has it and I was so excited to see he has one. It is neat too because you can talk to one another like on instant messanger or just message them and wait until they write you back.

  95. I also already have a Facebook account -- and so does the Monroeville Public Library! (In fact, I set up my Facebook account in order to create MPL's Page.) If you've got a Facebook account, be sure to search for Monroeville Public Library and become a fan of our page! :) I don't keep up with it as much as I'd like to, but I'm working on logging in at least a couple of times a week (if not quite every day -- but I'm working on it, I'm working on it!).

    Monroeville Library has also recently sent up a Twitter account -- -- which I post teen programming and updates to (though I'm not the only librarian to announce programs on it). I'm still getting used to Twitter, but it's certainly interesting ...

    ~~ Pam (Monroeville)

  96. I've had a facebook account for a long time but I never used it! So now i've resolved to use it. Jill and I are going to start a library blog and put us on Facebook. I put the library on Twitter in the winter months so I could update for folks if the library was ever closed due to weather, and now I use it for library programs.

    Lauri Ann West

  97. I have a Facebook account to keep up with my daughter in college, and have found many old friends. It's fun but can become an obsession! I just created a twitter account but don't know if I will use it.


  98. I created a facebook account a few months ago. Why? An old flame told me how I could see what he looks like 23 years later in somewhere in facebook. I told him I didn't have an account and didn't want one so he suggested setting up a fake one. So I did. And haven't used it since. Not my cup of tea.
    Gwen now at Sq Hill

  99. I created a fb account last week and have been pleasantly surprised to see how much I'm enjoying it. It's a great way to stay in touch with our son and family who live out of state, and to reconnect with friends who have moved away. I'm also enjoying photo albums friends have posted.

  100. I've had a Facebook account - 23 things is forcing me to use it! Thanks! Just got a Twitter account, that will take some work to get into. More comments on my blog,

  101. I have a MySpace account but never use it. I do think that people find out about events they're interested through MySpace bulletins.

    I twitter for CLP as well. I am usually not into the minutiae that gets posted on Twitter but think it can be great for libraries and other orgs to get out info on events and resources quick and dirty.

  102. I appreciate that we were not obliged to sign up for any networks. I read an article on Sigma Xi's use of Facebook and LinkedIn and The Masthead's reflections on the use of Twitter.
    The Twitter book / by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein (available in the library system) told how you could browse Twitter without joining which I did.
    Esther, Downtown and Business

  103. I have had a Facebook account for a while and also have friends on the account.

    Joanne - SNHL

  104. I set up a twitter account a few weeks ago and have only 1 follower. I guess Iwould do better with facebook. But, my whole family is there, so I was avoiding that one!

  105. I opened a Twitter account. I am open to the experience, but I don't think this is something I will use. I have trouble keeping up with e-mail!

    Kathy B.
    Community Library of Allegheny Valley

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