So what is a wiki? Check out this Common Craft video on wikis:
Some of the benefits that make wikis so attractive are:
- Anyone (registered or unregistered, if unrestricted) can add, edit or delete content. That means a group of you can work on your wiki.
- Tracking tools within wikis allow you to easily keep up on what has been changed and by whom. Just in case someone accidentally deletes something!
- Earlier versions of a page can be viewed and reinstated when needed. Ditto above.
- And users do not need to know HTML in order to apply styles to text or add and edit content. In most cases simple syntax structure is used.
- For this discovery exercise, you are asked sign up for a PBWorks account (thing #5). After you've gotten your account go to our 23 Things n'@ Wiki and click on the page entitled "6 Things I Love About My Library" It is located on the right side of the screen in the sidebar .
- There will be instructions on this page for you to edit this page by putting up 6 things you love about your library (thing #6). For fun, think about when you'd use a wiki instead of a blog. Richard Nixon and President Kennedy will give you a few clues. In the comments section of this post, blog about your experience.